অনার্স চতুর্থ বর্ষের ইংরেজি পরীক্ষা-২০২১ এর গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রশ্ন (Important questions of Honors 4th year exam-2021).

অনার্স চতুর্থ বর্ষের ইংরেজি পরীক্ষা-২০২১ এর গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রশ্ন জেনে নিন ছবিতে ক্লিক করুন-

Important questions of Honors 4th year english exam-2021.


Sub: 19th Century Novel

Part  A                           

(Answer any ten questions)

1.    a. Who is Julia?

       b. What is child’s Guide?

       c. How does Tess kill Alec?

       d. Who is Tib?

        e. What is the complete Fortune-Teller?

        f. What made Miss Pross permanently deaf?

        g. Who calls Lucie “ladybird”?

        h. What is Boulanger?

         I. How many sisters are there in Darcy’s family?

        j. What is Netherfield Park?

        k. How old is Jane?

        l. What is pilot?


Part  B

(Answer any five questions)

2. Describe Darcy’s letter to Elizabeth.

3. What is Madame Defarge’s Knitting?

4. How was Jane treated in the Rees Family?

5. Who is more responsible for Tess’s death?

6. What happened to Jane in the Red-room?

7. What situation led Tess to murder Alec?

8. Comment on the death of Madame Defarge.

9. How did Angel react to Tess’s confusion of her past?

Part  C

(Answer any five questions)

10. What is the significance of the title of “Pride and Prejudice”?

11. ‘Evaluate Dickens’ A Tale Two Cities as a historical novel.

12. Write a note on Hardy’s treatment of nature in his Tess of the D’urber Villes.

13. Justice Charlotte’s Jane Year as an anti-romantic Novel

14. Comment on Jane Austen’s use of irony in “Pride and Prejudice”

15. Write a note on charlotte’s treatment of childhood in ‘Jane Eyre’.

16. How does Dickens glorify self-love in A Tale of Two Cities?

17. Comment on the factors responsible for the tragedy of Tess.

 Sub: 20th Century Poetry

                               Part  A                                                                    

(Answer any ten questions)

1.    a. What is innisfree?

       b. What is Bethlehem?

       c. What is epigraph?

       d. Who is John the Baptist?

        e. What is the meaning of “tall tales”?

        f. Name some water creature we find in the poem “Poem in October”?

        g. What comic picture of the mother do you find in the poem “morning song”

        h. Who is Tiresias?

        I.What do you mean by “cut-paper people”?

        jWhat is the poem”Word”about?

        k. What does the stone Symbolize?

        l. Which city is called “unreal city”?

Part  B

(Answer any five questions)

2. Write a note on “spiritual mundi”

3. Asses the love song of J.Alfred Prufrock as an interior monologue.

4. How was Dylan Thomas influenced by the Metaphysical?

5. What features of song do you get in “morning song”?

6. Justify the title of Eliot’s poem “The Waste Land”?

7. How is the nature depicted in “Poem in october”?

8. Can you trace surrealistic element “morning Song”.

9. Discus the symbolic significance of the poem “The Second Coming”?

Part  C

(Answer any five questions)

10. What are the recurrent themes in Sylvia Plath’s poetry?

11. Critically appreciate the poem “Poem in October”

12. How does Dylan Thomas feel on his thirtieth birthday?

13. Write a critical appreciation of “sailing to Byzantium”?

14. Trace the romantic element in Yeats poetry.

15.Write a note on theme of salvation in the poem “The Waste Land”?

16. Comment on Dylan Thomas use of imagery in “poem in October”

17. How does Eliot express the conflict of modern man in the poem “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”?


Sub: Modern Drama (241101)

 Part –A

1 . Answer any ten  of the following  questions:                                 

a . What is the Great west Road ?

b . What does Estragon symbolize ?

c . Who is Gwendolyn Fairfax?

d . What name does Davies use as his identity?

e. In what way Jack has a double identity?

f . What was the original title of the play waiting for Godot?

g. Who is Mick?

h. Who is Colonel Redfern?

i. What was the cause of Aston’s brain damage?

j. What is “Mandrakes”?

k. What does Pozzo’s blindness signify?

l. What is “Bunburying”?


Part- B

Answer any five of the following questions:                                       

2. Show the use of pun in the title The Importance of Being Earnest.

3. Write on Jimmy’s social alienation.

4. What is the significance of room in The Caretaker?

5. What are the sources of laughter in The Importance of Being Earnest?

6. Show the relationship between Pozzo and Lucky.

7. Write a short note on comedy of manners.

8. Why does Estragon say, “People are bloody ignorant apes”?

9. What makes Jimmy angry in Look Back in Anger?

Part- C

Answer any five of the following questions:                                      

10. Waiting for Godot is a play to show the sense of nothingness illustrate.

11. Make a picture of the contemporary country culture from your reading of “The Importance of Being Earnest”.

12. In what sense does Davies represent everyman?

13. Comment on Jimmy’s relationship with Alison and Helena.

14How far is Harold Painters play The Caretaker a drama of violence and menace?

15. Discuss the theme of “self –deception” in The Caretaker .

16. Comment on the significance of the “Bear and squirrel game” in Look Back in Anger.

17. Show Waiting for Godot as a critique of society.


Sub: Twentieth Century Novel (241107)

Part –A1 . Answer any ten  of the following  questions:                                 

a . Who was Virginia Woolf?

b . What is the meaning of “ whited sepulcher”?

c . What are the major themes of To the Lighthouse ?

d . Why did Mary hate her father?

e . What was Kurtz’s  mission in Congo?

f . Which disease did William suffer  from and where did he die?

g. What does ivory stand for?

h . What is the symbolics meaning of the triangle in Lily’s picture ?

i.  Why was the manager envious of  Kurtz ?

j.  What special identity does Moses have?

k.  What is the setting of the novel The Grass is singing ?

l.  What was Conrad’s original name?


Part- B

Answer any five of the following  questions:                                       

2.Write a short note on Oedipus complex”

3. Why did the Bridge party in A passage s  to India fail?

4.Describe the trial scene in A passage to India .

5.Why does the Andrew Ramsay die ?

6. How was Mary brought  up and educated ?

7.What are the major contacts in To the Lighhouse ?

8. Describe the brick makerin Heart of Darknes.

9.What is Mrs. Ramsay’s view of Lily?


Part- C

Answer any five of the following  questions:                               

10. Describe the symbolic significance of the  Marabar  Caves .

11.Commenton Conrad’s treatment of evil in  Heart of Darknes.  

12. Sketch the character of Dr. Aziz.

13.The Grass is singing is a superb evocation of Africa’s majestic beauty-Elvcidate.

14.How is Virginia Woolf’s feminism reflected in the novel ? Discuss.  

15.Why does Paul fail to achieve meaningful relationship with either Miriam or Clara?

16. Identify the autobiographical element in Sons and Lovers.

17.Discuss the use of symbols  in To the Lighthouse .


Sub: American Poetry (241109)

Part –A

1 . Answer any ten  of the following  questions:                                 

a . What does the poet prefer to night?

b . What kind of song is the thrush singing?

c . What does the poet mean by, “ Acquainted with the Night” ?

d . Who did Warren define “ home”?

e . Who was Langston Hughes?

f . What does the wall symbolize in the poem “ Mending wall”?

g. What do you understand by “ The Blues”?

h . Who was Silas  ?

i.  What does “fearful trip” refer to in the poem”, O Captain! My Captain” ?

j.  What is the poet intoxicated about ?

k.  What does” Wild Nights” symbolize ?

l.  How does the poet address the tree at his window?

Part- B

Answer any five of the following  questions:                                       

2.Write a short note on “ Harlem Renaissance”.

3. How does Dickinson treat immortality in her poems?

4.Write a short note on  American civilwar.

5.Are dreams everlasting?

6. Describe the mourners and how they affect the poet  ?

7.What picture of a black American do you get from the poem, ”I ,Too Sing America”

8What does the poet mean by the sentence,“ Something there is that doesn’t love a wall”?

9.What does the proclamation of a “ luminary  clock” indicate?

Part- C

Answer any five of the following  questions

10. Discuss the mysticism in Emily Dickinson’s poetry .

11.Discuss Whitman’s treatment of soul, self and body in the poem “ Song of Myself”. 

12. What is symbolism ? What symbolic elements do you find in the poems of Langston Hughes?

13.Consider When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloomed as an elegy.

14.Frost is a story teller of a new England –Comment on the statement . 

15.Evaluate “O Captain! My Captain,” as an elegy.

16. Evaluate Frost as a poet of common man.

17.What are the distinctive features of the poetic diction of Emily Dickinson?

Sub: American Poetry (241109)

Part –A

1 . Answer any ten  of the following  questions:                                 

a . What does the poet prefer to night?

b . What kind of song is the thrush singing?

c . What does the poet mean by, “ Acquainted with the Night” ?

d . Who did Warren define “ home”?

e . Who was Langston Hughes?

f . What does the wall symbolize in the poem “ Mending wall”?

g. What do you understand by “ The Blues”?

h . Who was Silas  ?

i.  What does “fearful trip” refer to in the poem”, O Captain! My Captain” ?

j.  What is the poet intoxicated about ?

k.  What does” Wild Nights” symbolize ?

l.  How does the poet address the tree at his window?

Part- B

Answer any five of the following  questions:                                       

2.Write a short note on “ Harlem Renaissance”.

3. How does Dickinson treat immortality in her poems?

4.Write a short note on  American civilwar.

5.Are dreams everlasting?

6. Describe the mourners and how they affect the poet  ?

7.What picture of a black American do you get from the poem, ”I ,Too Sing America”

8What does the poet mean by the sentence,“ Something there is that doesn’t love a wall”?

9.What does the proclamation of a “ luminary  clock” indicate?

Part- C

Answer any five of the following  questions:                                     

10. Discuss the mysticism in Emily Dickinson’s poetry .

11.Discuss Whitman’s treatment of soul, self and body in the poem “ Song of Myself”. 

12. What is symbolism ? What symbolic elements do you find in the poems of Langston Hughes?

13.Consider When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloomed as an elegy.

14.Frost is a story teller of a new England –Comment on the statement . 

15.Evaluate “O Captain! My Captain,” as an elegy.

16. Evaluate Frost as a poet of common man.

17.What are the distinctive features of the poetic diction of Emily Dickinson?

Sub: Literary Criticism (Victorian to Modern)

 Part  A                                   

(Answer any ten questions)                              

1.    a. Why does Arnold say that “the future of poetry is immense”?

       b. How will poetry console and sustain people?

       c. What is the best poetry according to Arnold?

       d. What is the touchstone method?

        e. In which century did a dissociation of sensibility set in?

        f. What is dissociation of sensibility?

        g. What is the connection between “culture and imperialism” and “Orientalism?”

        h. How can literature inspire people for a decent living?

        I. What, according to Eagleton, should be motive of literature?

        j. How does Eagleton appreciate Scrutiny?

        k. What sarcastic remark does Eagleton make about the ‘organic society’ desired by sarcastic?

        l. How does Eagleton criticise Eliot’s view on Tradition?

Part  B

(Answer any five questions)                         

2. What are the characteristics of Victorian criticism?

3. What are the different estimates enunciated by Arnold?

4. How did Eliot assess Johnson as a critic of the metaphysical poets?

5. How does Joseph Conrad, according to Said, appear as both imperialism and anti-imperialist?

6. Why does Edward Said call his Culture and imperialism an “exile’s book”?

7. How did the development of English help British imperialism flourish in the 19th century onwards?

8. To What extent is Eagleton critical of Eliot’s contribution to English poetry?

9. What is Eagleton’s attitude to romanticism?

 Part  C

(Answer any five questions)                            

10. “Poetry is the criticism of life, governed by the laws of poetic truth and poetic beauty.”?

11. Discuss Mathew Arnold’s views on characteristics of good poetry.

12. How does Edward W.Said show culture as an instrument of imperialism?

13. What similarity does Eliot discover between the modern poets and the metaphysical?

14. Discuss the role of the English novels in perpetuating imperial rule?

15. Discribe the development of English in Eagleton’s “The Rise of English” from working class literature to a prestigious academic discipline in universities. 

16. How does Eliot distinguish between “the intellectual poet and the reflective poet” in The Metaphysical Poets? Which does he prefer and why?

17. Discuss, after Eagleton, how the ‘rise of English’ is connected with the growth and consolidation of Imperialism.

Sub: Classics in Translation

       Part A

(Answer any ten questions)

1.    a. How do you classify the epic?

       b. How did Calchas advise Agamemnon?

       c. What was Hector’s last request to Achilles?

       d. What was the supreme message of all the Greek tragedies?

       e. what part does nemesis play in Aeschylus ‘ play?

       f. Who was Iphigenia?

       g. Why did Medea’s happiness come to an end?

       h. who was Creon?

       i. How does Medea become the symbol of all suffering women of all ages?

       j. Who is the writer of The Frogs?

      k. What does the Amazonian mean?

      l. How did Hippolytus feel at the proposal of love from Phaedra?

Part B

(Answer any five questions)

2. Write a note on Achilles’ shield.

3. Discuss the involvement of Patroclus in the Trojan War.

4. Discuss the importance of the opening scene of Agamemnon.

5. Trace the origin of the Greek tragedy with special reference to Aeschylus.

6. Is Medea a wife only, or also a mother? Discuss.

7. Do you consider The Frogs a fantasy or merely a literary criticism?

8. What happened when Phaedra tried to embrace Hippolytus?

9. Write a critical note on the Prelude in Seneca’s Phaedra.

Part C

(Answer any five questions)

10. How does Homer delineate Olympus gods and goddesses in The Iliad?

11. Sketch the Character of Clytemnestra.

12. What epic elements do you find in The Iliad?

13. Evaluate Medea as a tragic heroine.

14. Discuss the function of chorus in the play Agamemnon.

15. Do you think The Frogs is a social satire?

16. Consider Phaedra as a tragedy of unrequited love.

17. Give an account of Dionysus’s journey to Hades.

Sub: Continental Literature

                               Part  A                           

(Answer any ten questions)

1.    a. what valuable lesson does Gregor’s tragedy leave behind?

       b. What does the monstrous insect symbolize in The Metamorphosis?

       c. What revelation goes against Meursault at the trial court?

       d. Why does Camus think Meursault‘s trial is absurd?

        e. why was Meursault’s remorseless for the murder he committed?

        f. What made Miss Pross permanently deaf?

        g. What is the subject matter of the play ‘Mother Courage and Her children?

        h. what is the sub-title of the play?

        I. What is Gregor’s ‘innermost self’?

        j.”Corruption is our only hope” – Who says this and why?

        k. Why does mother Courage praise war?

        l. What are the major themes of A Doll’s House?

Part B

(Answer any five questions)

2. What obstacles does Gregor face after turning into an insect?

3. Meursault symbolizes the virtue of Truth opposed to the deceits and corruption of law discuss?

4. Why does the Chaplain call mother courage “a hyena of the battle field”?

5. Do you regard A Doll’S House as a feministic play?

6. What, according to you, is the message of the play .A Doll’s House?

7. What is the significance of Raskolnikvo’s dream?

8. Why does Eilif die?

9. Justify the title of Camus’ Novel, The Stranger?

Part C

(Answer any five questions)

10. How does Kafka project Gregor Samsa’s alienation in Metamorphosis?

11. Consider Meursault as an existence hero. Show how Camus synthesizes will, morality and freedom in the charter of the hero The Stranger. 

12. Gregor’s Metamorphosisis metaphor of his dehumanization Discuss.

13. Do you consider Mother Courage and her children a tragedy?

14. Discuss.  A Doll’s House as a modern tragedy.

15. Consider Crime and punishment as a story of sin, suffering, and redemption.

16. A Doll’s House is a play about a women’s self-discovery and liberation .Discuss.

17. Write about imagery and symbolism in Crime and punishment.

Sub: Nineteenth Century Novel ( 241101 )


Part –A

1.  Answer any one questions:                                                                

a. Comment on French Revolution

b. Write a short note on the Bastille .

Part –B

2. Answer any one  questions :                                                          

 a. Give the underlying theme of “ A Tate of Two Cities”.

b. How does Dickens glorify self less love in “ A Tale of Two Cities”.


Sub: Twentieth Century Poetry (241103)


Part –A

1.  Answer any one questions:                                                                 a. What does Yeats anticipate in “ The second coming”?

b. How did Yeats develop his interest in symbolism?

Part –B

2. Answer any one  questions :                                                             a. Comment on W.B Yeats treatment of history and myth in his poetry.

b. Write a critical appreciation of “ Sailing to Byzantium”.





Sub: Modern Drama ( 241105 )

Part –A

1.  Answer any one questions:                                                                 

a. Discuss the use of pun in the title of the play “ The Importance of being

 Far nest”.

b. What are the sources of laughter in “ The Importance of being Earnest”.

Part –B

2. Answer any one  questions :                                                             a. Evaluate Oscar Wilds “ The Importance of Being Far nest as a social satire . 

a. What is the importance of fielding’s tea-party in “ A passage to India”?

b. Sketch briefly the character of Adela Quested.


Sub: Twentieth Century Novel ( 241107 )

Part –A

1.  Answer any one questions:                                                                 a. What is the importance of fielding’s tea-party in “ A passage to India”?

b. Sketch briefly the character of Adela Quested.

Part –B

2. Answer any one  questions :                                                             a. A passage to India is a novel of the clash of culture  -  Discuss.

b .Discuss the significance of Marabar caver in A passage to India.   

Sub: American Poetry ( 241109 )

Part –A

1.  Answer any one questions:                                                                 a. What are the arguments of the two men in the poem Mending wall?

b. Why does Frost “ Earth is the right place for love”?

2. Answer any one  questions :                                                             a. Evaluate Frost as a poet of common man.

b .In what sense is R, Frost a modern poet ?


Sub: American Literature: Fiction and Drama 

Part –A

1.  Answer any one questions:                                                                 a. “You are all a lost generation”- Explain.

b. What conflicts do you find in The Sun also Rises .

Part –B

2. Answer any one  questions :                                                             a. What is the significance of the title The Sun also Rises  

Sub: Classics in Translation ( 241113 ) 

Part –A

1.  Answer any one questions:                                                                

a. Write a note on Cassandra .

b. Briefly discuss the dramatic irony in Agamemnon .

Part –B

2. Answer any one  questions :                                                            

a. How for is Agamemnon responsible for his tragedy? Discuss.

b. Sketch the character of Clytemnestra.

Sub: Literary Criticism  ( 241115 ) 

Part –A

1.  Answer any one questions:                                                                 a. What is Touchstone Method.

b. What is an estimate.

Part –B

2. Answer any one  questions :                                                             a. Discuss Arnolds views on chancier.

b. “ Poetry is the criticism of life governed by the laws of poets truth and poetic beauty”- Discuss.


Sub: Classics in Translation


Part –A

1.  Answer any 1 questions:                                                                      a. Why does Hippolytus  feel a strong dislike for women folk?

b. What drives phaedra  to welcome death ?

Part –B

2. Answer any 1  questions :                                

a . Elueidate the theme of love marriage in Jane Austen’s “ Pride and prejudice .                                                                                                


Part- A

1.Answer any eight of the following questions:                                          

a. What is Nethrficld Park?

b. What is Boulanger ?

c. Who is Mr. Collins?

d. What is a hack dhaise  ?

e. What is the genre of “ Pride and prejudice” ?

f. What is Prince ?

g. What is the sub-title of “ Tess of the D’ Urbervilles  ?

h. What was the first title of “ Pride and Prejudice” ?

i. How does Alec die  ?

j.What does the club-walking symbolize?

K. Who is Izz Huett”  

Part- B

2. Answer any 3 question :                                                                           a. Describe Elizabethe’s prejudice against Darcy.

b. What situation led Tess to murder Alec ?

c. What is Mrs Bennet’s ambition about her daughters  ?

d. Describe the circumstances that made Tess marry Angel  . 

 Part- C

3. Answer any 2 questions:                                                                          1a. Comment on Austne’s use of irony in “ Pride and prejudice”.

b. Discuss the role of fate in Hardy’s “Tess of the d, urbervilles” .

c. World your call Thomas Hardy a pessim’st or a realist ? Give reasons in the light of the D, urbervilles .







Sub: Classics in Translation


Part –A

1.  Answer any 1 questions:                                                                      a. Why does Hippolytus  feel a strong dislike for women folk?

b. What drives phaedra  to welcome death ?

Part –B

2. Answer any 1  questions :                                

a . Seneca’s phaedra is full of moral discourse . Do you7 agree? Give reasons

for your answer                                                                                        

Part- A

1.Answer any 8 questions:                                                                           a. What does Amazonian mean?

b. Who was Hercules?

c. When did phhedra confess her sin?

d. How did Hippolytus compare phaedra with his mother ?

e. What is Lethe ?

f. Who is the writer of the play ‘Agamemnon’?

g. How did Clytemnestra kill Agamemnon?

h. What happened to Iphigenia ?

i. Who is the Paramour of Clytemnestra ?

j Why did Clytemnestra kill Agamemnon?

Part- B

2. Answer any 3 question :                                                                           a. Briefly discuss the dramatic Irony in Aeschylus play ‘The Agamemnon’.

b. Bring out the dramatic significance of the ‘Red Carpet Episode in ‘Agamemnon’.

c. How does Neptune fulfil. Theseus’s prayer ?

d. Write a short note on Cassandra. 

 Part- C

3. Answer any 2 questions:                                                                          1×8=8

a. Discuss the function of Chorus in the play ‘Agamemnon’.

b. Discuss the role of Nurse .

c. Discuss the Dramatic suspensc around Agamemnon’s home-coming.



Sub: 19 Century Novel


Part –A

1.  Answer any 1 questions:                                                                         a. How does Austen show the position of women in the social life of Regency England ?

b. Describe charlotte’s views on marriage. ?

Part –B

2. Answer any 1  questions :                                                                    1×10=10

a . Elueidate the theme of love marriage in Jane Austen’s “Pride and prejudice                                                                                          




Part- A

1.Answer any eight of the following  questions:                                         

a. What is Netherfield  park?

b. What is Borelanger ?

c. Who is Mr. Collins ?

d. What is a hack dhaise  ?

e. What is the genre of “ Pride and prejudice  ?

f. What is prince ?

g. What is the sub-title of “ Tess of the D’ Urberislles ?

h. What was the first title of “ pride and prejudice” ?

i. How does Alec die ?

j What does the club-walking symbolize ?

k.Who is Izz Huett?

Part- B

2. Answer any three of the questions :                                                       

a. Describe Elizabeth’s  prejudice against Darcy.

b. What situation led Tess to murder Alec .

c. What is Mrs Bennct’s ambition about her daughters   ?

d. Describe the circumstanees that made Tess marry Angel .   

 Part- C

3. Answer any two of the following  questions:                                      

a. Comment on Austen’s use of irony in “ Prejudice”.

b. Discuss the role of fate in Hardy’s “Tess of the d’ urbrervilles” .

c. World your call Thomas Hardy a pessim’st or a realist ? Give reaaous in the light of “ Tess of the D’ Urbervilles”.

Hons:4th  year 1st In- course Exam- 2018

Sub: 19 Century Novel


Part –A

1.  Answer any 1 questions:                                                                         

show the position of women in the social life of Regency England ?

b. Describe charlotte’s views on marriage. ?

Part –B

2. Answer any 1  questions :                                                                    a . Elueidate the theme of love marriage in Jane Austen’s “Pride and prejudice                                                                                          

Part- A

1.Answer any eight of the following  questions:                                        

a. What is Netherfield  park?

b. What is Borelanger ?

c. Who is Mr. Collins ?

d. What is a hack dhaise  ?

e. What is the genre of “ Pride and prejudice  ?

f. What is prince ?

g. What is the sub-title of “ Tess of the D’ Urberislles ?

h. What was the first title of “ pride and prejudice” ?

i. How does Alec die ?

j What does the club-walking symbolize ?

k.Who is Izz Huett?

Part- B

2. Answer any three of the questions :                                                       a. Describe Elizabeth’s  prejudice against Darcy.

b. What situation led Tess to murder Alec .

c. What is Mrs Bennct’s ambition about her daughters   ?

d. Describe the circumstanees that made Tess marry Angel .  

 Part- C

3. Answer any two of the following  questions:                                      a. Comment on Austen’s use of irony in “ Prejudice”.

b. Discuss the role of fate in Hardy’s “Tess of the d’ urbrervilles” .

c. World your call Thomas Hardy a pessim’st or a realist ? Give reaaous in the light of “ Tess of the D’ Urbervilles”.

Sub: 20th Century poetry

Part –A

1.  Answer any 1 questions:                                                                         a. How does the poet desire for immortality in “ Soiling to Byzantium”?

b. Write in brief yeat’s concept of the risand fall of civilization .

Part –B

2. Answer the following  questions :                                                       


a . What personal element do you find in Yeats’ poem.







Part- A

1.Answer any eight of the following  questions:                                         

a. What is I.R.B?

b. What is Innisfrce  ?

c. What does the world “ Motley” refer to ?

d. What is the meaning of “ Living stream”  ?

e. What is a Scare- Crow  ?

f. What is  “ terrible beauty” ?

g. What is Maud Gonne  ?

h. What is “interior monologue” ?

i. Who is Tiresias ?

j Who is Belladonna ?

k. Who is Lil?

l. How does “ The Waste Land “ end?


Part- B

2. Answer any three of the questions :                                                       a. In what sense is “ The Lake Isle of Innisfrce “a poem about escapism?

b. What is Yeats’ attitude to old age in the poem “Sailing to Byzantiu”?

c. Assess The Love Song of J. Alfred Prutrock “ as an interion Monologue  ?

d. What is the significance of the Tarot pack of cards ?

 Part- C

3. Answer any two of the following  questions:                                      a. Comment on Eliot’s use of myth in “ The waste Land”.

b. Write a critical appreciation of “ Sailing to Byzantium ”?

c. What irony do you find in the tittle of the poem “ The Love song of J. Alfred Prufrock”?



Sub: 20th Century poetry


Part –A

1.  Answer any 1 questions:                                                                         a. How does the poet desire for immortality in “ Soiling to Byzantium”?

b. Write in brief yeat’s concept of the risand fall of civilization .

Part –B

2. Answer the following  questions :                                                       a . What personal element do you find in Yeats’ poem.

Part- A

1.Answer any eight of the following  questions:                                         1×8=8                                                                       

a. What is I.R.B?

b. What is Innisfrce  ?

c. What does the world “ Motley” refer to ?

d. What is the meaning of “ Living stream”  ?

e. What is a Scare- Crow  ?

f. What is  “ terrible beauty” ?

g. What is Maud Gonne  ?

h. What is “interior monologue” ?

i. Who is Tiresias ?

j Who is Belladonna ?

k. Who is Lil?

l. How does “ The Waste Land “ end?

Part- B

2. Answer any three of the questions :                                                       a. In what sense is “ The Lake Isle of Innisfrce “a poem about escapism?

b. What is Yeats’ attitude to old age in the poem “Sailing to Byzantiu”?

c. Assess The Love Song of J. Alfred Prutrock “ as an interion Monologue  ?

d. What is the significance of the Tarot pack of cards ?

 Part- C

3. Answer any two of the following  questions:                                      a. Comment on Eliot’s use of myth in “ The waste Land”.

b. Write a critical appreciation of “ Sailing to Byzantium ”?

c. What irony do you find in the tittle of the poem “ The Love song of J. Alfred Prufrock”?









Sub: 20th Century Novel

Part –A

1.  Answer any 1 questions:                                                                         a. What is Marlow’s estimate of the cannibal crew in “Heart of Darkness”?

b. Comment on the setting of the novel ‘Heart of Darkness’.

Part –B

2. Answer any 1  questions :                                                                    a . How does Conrad treat the theme on Imperialism in ‘Heart of Darkness’.

Part- A

1.Answer any eight of the following  questions:                                         

a. Who is Joseph Conrad?

b. What is Marlow’s attitude to colonization   ?

c. What Information about kurtz does Marlow get from the Russian ?

d. What does Ivory stand for  ?

e. What is imperialism   ?

f. Whom does Aziz meet at the mosque  ?

g. Why is Aziz arrested   ?

h. What is Mr. Fielding by profession?

i. What does the ‘Temple’ Symbolize ?

j Where was the Bridge party held?

Part- B

2. Answer any three of the questions :                                                       a. How does the novel ‘A passage to India’ end?

b. What do you know about kurtz ?

c. What is the significance of the friendship between Dr. Aziz and Mrs. Moore?


 Part- C

3. Answer any two of the following  questions:                                      a. ‘A passage to India is a novel of the clash of culture’- Discuss.

b. Analyse Conrad’s use of symbols in ‘Heart of Darkness’.

c. Justify the title of the novel ‘A passage to India”.




Sub: 20th Century Novel

Part –A

1.  Answer any 1 questions:                                                                         a. What is Marlow’s estimate of the cannibal crew in “Heart of Darkness”?

b. Comment on the setting of the novel ‘Heart of Darkness’.

Part –B

2. Answer any 1  questions :                                                                    a . How does Conrad treat the theme on Imperialism in ‘Heart of Darkness’.

1.Answer any eight of the following  questions:                                        

a. Who is Joseph Conrad?

b. What is Marlow’s attitude to colonization   ?

c. What Information about kurtz does Marlow get from the Russian ?

d. What does Ivory stand for  ?

e. What is imperialism   ?

f. Whom does Aziz meet at the mosque  ?

g. Why is Aziz arrested   ?

h. What is Mr. Fielding by profession?

i. What does the ‘Temple’ Symbolize ?

j Where was the Bridge party held?

Part- B

2. Answer any three of the questions :                                                       a. How does the novel ‘A passage to India’ end?

b. What do you know about kurtz ?

c. What is the significance of the friendship between Dr. Aziz and Mrs. Moore?


 Part- C

3. Answer any two of the following  questions:                                      a. ‘A passage to India is a novel of the clash of culture’- Discuss.

b. Analyse Conrad’s use of symbols in ‘Heart of Darkness’.

c. Justify the title of the novel ‘A passage to India”.









Sub: Modern Drama( 241105)

Part –A

1.  Answer any one of the following questions:                                          

a. How is Jack’s identity revealed in “The Importance of Being Earnest”?

b. Discuss the use of pun in the title of “ The Importance of Being Earnest”.

Part –B

2. Answer any  one of the following questions                                        a .Comment on the treatment of love and marriage in “The Importance of Being Earnest”.

b. Sketch the character of Lady Bracknell.

Part- A

1.Answer any eight of the following  questions:                                        

a. Who is the lover of Gwendolen ?

b. What is the name of Algernon’s butler ?

c. What blunder did Miss Prism commit  ?

d. What is the cause of tension in the marital life of Jimmy and Alison  ?

e. With whom had Jimmy and Alison been living after their marriage   ?

f. What is Jimmy’s attitude to Helena    ?

g. By what name is Jack known to Gwendolen    ?

h. How does the play The Importance of Being Earnest end   ?

i. Who the antagonist in the play “ The Importance of Being Earnest” ?

j Who is Bunbury ?


Part- B

2. Answer any three of the questions :                                                       a. Discuss the significance of bear and squirrel in Look Back in Anger.

b. What makes Jimmy porter angry in Look Back in Anger.

c. Discuss the use of pun in the title of “ The Importance of Being Earnest “.

d. Write briefly Jimmy’s social alienation .

Part- C

3. Answer any two of the following  questions:                                      a. How far is Jimmy porter a spokesman of the post – war youth in England?

b. Do you think that Osborne’s “Look Back in Anger is a play of class discrimination ?

c. How does Oscar wilde treat the theme of love in “The Importance of Being Earnest”?

Sub: Modern Drama( 241105)

Part –A

1.  Answer any one of the following questions:                                          1a. How is Jack’s identity revealed in “The Importance of Being Earnest”?

b. Discuss the use of pun in the title of “ The Importance of Being Earnest”.

Part –B

2. Answer any  one of the following questions                                        a .Comment on the treatment of love and marriage in “The Importance of Being Earnest”.

b. Sketch the character of Lady Bracknell.

Part- A

1.Answer any eight of the following  questions:                                        

a. Who is the lover of Gwendolen ?

b. What is the name of Algernon’s butler ?

c. What blunder did Miss Prism commit  ?

d. What is the cause of tension in the marital life of Jimmy and Alison  ?

e. With whom had Jimmy and Alison been living after their marriage   ?

f. What is Jimmy’s attitude to Helena    ?

g. By what name is Jack known to Gwendolen    ?

h. How does the play The Importance of Being Earnest end   ?

i. Who the antagonist in the play “ The Importance of Being Earnest” ?

j Who is Bunbury ?

Part- B

2. Answer any three of the questions :                                                       a. Discuss the significance of bear and squirrel in Look Back in Anger.

b. What makes Jimmy porter angry in Look Back in Anger.

c. Discuss the use of pun in the title of “ The Importance of Being Earnest “.

d. Write briefly Jimmy’s social alienation .

Part- C

3. Answer any two of the following  questions:                                      a. How far is Jimmy porter a spokesman of the post – war youth in England?

b. Do you think that Osborne’s “Look Back in Anger is a play of class discrimination ?

c. How does Oscar wilde treat the theme of love in “The Importance of Being Earnest”?

Sub: American poetry( 241109)


Part –A

1.  Answer any one of the following questions:                                          a. What message does Frost convey through his poem, “Mending wall”?

b. Why does Frost say “Earth is the right place for love”?

Part –B

2. Answer any  one of the following questions                                        a .Discuss the symbolism in Robert Frost’s poetry.

b. Depict the theme of alienation in the poems of Robert Frost .

Part- A

1.Answer any eight of the following  questions:                                        

a. Who was silas ?

b. What does the ice- storms signify  ?

c. In The Death of the Hired man “ the moon is obscured by a cloud .What does it symbolize  ?

d. How did Mary  define home  ?

e. What does Frost mean by the two roads   ?

f. What does “Wild Nights” symbolize    ?

g. What does Dickinson’s idea about liquor   ?

h. Who was Harold Wilson   ?

i. What does the poet mean by, “ Acquainted with the Night” ?

j What kind of man was his neighbour in his opinion  ?

Part- B

2. Answer any three of the questions :                                                       a. What does the poet mean by  the sentence, “ Something there is that doesn’t love a wall.

b. Why was Warren unwilling to hire silas any more ?

c. How does Dickinson treat immortality in her poems .

d. Write a short note on “ Monologue”.

Part- C

3. Answer any two of the following  questions:                                      a. Write a note on Dickinson’s treatment of death in her poems.

b. Frost’s poems are local in coloer  but universal in theme – Discuss.

c. Write a critical appreciation on  “ The Death of the Hired Man”.


Sub: American poetry( 241109)


Part –A

1.  Answer any one of the following questions:                                          1×5=5

a. What message does Frost convey through his poem, “Mending wall”?

b. Why does Frost say “Earth is the right place for love”?

Part –B

2. Answer any  one of the following questions                                        1×10=10

a .Discuss the symbolism in Robert Frost’s poetry.

b. Depict the theme of alienation in the poems of Robert Frost .

Part- A

1.Answer any eight of the following  questions:                                        

a. Who was silas ?

b. What does the ice- storms signify  ?

c. In The Death of the Hired man “ the moon is obscured by a cloud .What does it symbolize  ?

d. How did Mary  define home  ?

e. What does Frost mean by the two roads   ?

f. What does “Wild Nights” symbolize    ?

g. What does Dickinson’s idea about liquor   ?

h. Who was Harold Wilson   ?

i. What does the poet mean by, “ Acquainted with the Night” ?

j What kind of man was his neighbour in his opinion  ?

Part- B

2. Answer any three of the questions :                                                       a. What does the poet mean by  the sentence, “ Something there is that doesn’t love a wall.

b. Why was Warren unwilling to hire silas any more ?

c. How does Dickinson treat immortality in her poems .

d. Write a short note on “ Monologue”.




Part- C

3. Answer any two of the following  questions:                                      a. Write a note on Dickinson’s treatment of death in her poems.

b. Frost’s poems are local in coloer  but universal in theme – Discuss.

c. Write a critical appreciation on  “ The Death of the Hired Man”.


Sub: American Literature :Fiction  and Drama


Part –A

1.  Answer any one of the following questions:                          

 a. How is Wilhelm representative of the war torn world.


Part –B

2. Answer any  one of the following questions                         

 a .What is American Dream? How does Wilhelm become the victim

 of American Dream?


Part- A

1.Answer any four of the following  questions:                          

a. What is surrogate father ? Is Dr. Tamkin is a surrogate father for

Wilhelm ?

b. Who was Margaret ?How was the relationship between Wilhelm and his wife ?

c. What is novella ? Is Seize the Day a novella ?Why ?

d. Why would satan look so much like Brown himself ? Why is not creepier than a demon with horns and pitchfork and cloven hooves .


Part- B

2. Answer any three of the questions :                                      

a. Discuss “Young Goodman Brown” as an  allegorical story?

b. Justify the title of the novel “ Seize the Day”.


Sub: American Literature :Fiction  and Drama



Part –A

1.  Answer any one of the following questions:                          a. How is Wilhelm representative of the war torn world.


Part –B

2. Answer any  one of the following questions                          a .What is American Dream? How does Wilhelm become the victim

 of American Dream?





Part- A

1.Answer any four of the following  questions:                         


a. What is surrogate father ? Is Dr. Tamkin is a surrogate father for

Wilhelm ?

b. Who was Margaret ?How was the relationship between Wilhelm and his wife ?

c. What is novella ? Is Seize the Day a novella ?Why ?

d. Why would satan look so much like Brown himself ? Why is not creepier than a demon with horns and pitchfork and cloven hooves .


Part- B

2. Answer any three of the questions :                                     

a. Discuss “Young Goodman Brown” as an  allegorical story?

b. Justify the title of the novel “ Seize the Day”.




                      Sub: Classics in Translation



Part –A

1.  Answer any 1 questions:                                                                      

a. Why does Hippolytus  feel a strong dislike for women folk?

b. What drives phaedra  to welcome death ?

Part –B

2. Answer any 1  questions :                                

a . Seneca’s phaedra is full of moral discourse . Do you7 agree? Give reasons

for your answer                                                                                       



Part- A

1.Answer any 8 questions:                                                                           

a. What does Amazonian mean?

b. Who was Hercules?

c. When did phhedra confess her sin?

d. How did Hippolytus compare phaedra with his mother ?

e. What is Lethe ?

f. Who is the writer of the play ‘Agamemnon’?

g. How did Clytemnestra kill Agamemnon?

h. What happened to Iphigenia ?

i. Who is the Paramour of Clytemnestra ?

j Why did Clytemnestra kill Agamemnon?


Part- B

2. Answer any 3 question :                                                                          

a. Briefly discuss the dramatic Irony in Aeschylus play ‘The Agamemnon’.

b. Bring out the dramatic significance of the ‘Red Carpet Episode in ‘Agamemnon’.

c. How does Neptune fulfil. Theseus’s prayer ?

d. Write a short note on Cassandra. 

 Part- C

3. Answer any 2 questions:                                                                         

a. Discuss the function of Chorus in the play ‘Agamemnon’.

b. Discuss the role of Nurse .

c. Discuss the Dramatic suspensc around Agamemnon’s home-coming.



Sub: Classics in Translation

Part –A

1.  Answer any 1 questions:                                                                     

a. Why does Hippolytus  feel a strong dislike for women folk?

b. What drives phaedra  to welcome death ?

Part –B

2. Answer any 1  questions :                                

a . Seneca’s phaedra is full of moral discourse . Do you7 agree? Give reasons

for your answer                                                                                       

Part- A

1.Answer any 8 questions:                                                                           a. What does Amazonian mean?

b. Who was Hercules?

c. When did phhedra confess her sin?

d. How did Hippolytus compare phaedra with his mother ?

e. What is Lethe ?

f. Who is the writer of the play ‘Agamemnon’?

g. How did Clytemnestra kill Agamemnon?

h. What happened to Iphigenia ?

i. Who is the Paramour of Clytemnestra ?

j Why did Clytemnestra kill Agamemnon?

Part- B

2. Answer any 3 question :                                                                           a. Briefly discuss the dramatic Irony in Aeschylus play ‘The Agamemnon’.

b. Bring out the dramatic significance of the ‘Red Carpet Episode in ‘Agamemnon’.

c. How does Neptune fulfil. Theseus’s prayer ?

d. Write a short note on Cassandra. 

 Part- C

3. Answer any 2 questions:                                                                          a. Discuss the function of Chorus in the play ‘Agamemnon’.

b. Discuss the role of Nurse .

c. Discuss the Dramatic suspensc around Agamemnon’s home-coming.


Sub: Literary Criticism


Part –A

1.   Write a short note on Neoclassicism   ?                                             



Part –B

2. What is touchstone method? What are its merits and demerits? 

Part- A

1.Answer any eight  of the following  questions:                                     

a. What kind of writing is “ The study of poetry”?

b. What is the role of poetry in human life?

c. Who is Homer ?

d. Who was cowley  ?

e. What is  chancers attitude to life?

f. What is diction ?

g. What does the term “poetic truth” mean ?

h. What according to Arnold, is the future of poetry ?

i. What is the foundation of poetry  ?

j Where does lie the idea of poetry?

Part- B

2. Write a short notes on any three :                                                      

 i. Victorian criticism

ii. Geoffrey chaucer

iii. New criticism

iv. Romanticism .



 Part- C

3. Answer any two of the following questions:                                    

a. What is touchstone method ? What are its merits or demirts ?

b. Give an account of Matthew Arnold as a critic .

c. Bring out how Eagleton links the rise of English to the crisis in modern civilization .

Sub: Literary Criticism


Part –A

1. Write a short note on Neoclassicism?                                               



Part –B

2. What is touchstone method? What are its merits and demerits

1.Answer any eight  of the following  questions:                                       


a. What kind of writing is “ The study of poetry”?

b. What is the role of poetry in human life?

c. Who is Homer ?

d. Who was cowley  ?

e. What is  chancers attitude to life?

f. What is diction ?

g. What does the term “poetic truth” mean ?

h. What according to Arnold, is the future of poetry ?

i. What is the foundation of poetry  ?

j Where does lie the idea of poetry?


Part- B

2. Write a short notes on any three :                                                          i. Victorian criticism

ii. Geoffrey chaucer

iii. New criticism

iv. Romanticism .


 Part- C

3. Answer any two of the following questions:                                        a. What is touchstone method ? What are its merits or demirts ?

b. Give an account of Matthew Arnold as a critic .

c. Bring out how Eagleton links the rise of English to the crisis in modern civilization .




